Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Audience Research

Upcoming Releases

Throughout the year superhero films are released and this year The Avengers, Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises are all being released. All are expected to make major profits and become box office hits due to the buzz created around it. Trailers have been released worldwide all with positive reactions. The films are all attracting the same audiences as before. ( picture for line for a film??) 

Demographics – Kids who enjoy a film with action and special effects would be attracted to the films as they have the fun factor to them. Male teenagers would be more likely to go watch a superhero film than a female as they feature action and fighting scenes, stereotypically male interests. 

Psychographics - Overall the films will attract the audience of people who liked the previous films or are attracted to the film from the trailer. Comic fans will be attracted to the linear storyline related to the comics and previous films. Kids who enjoy a film with action and special effects would be attracted to the films as they have the fun factor to them.

In the article from http://www.comingsoon.net/news/weekendwarriornews.php?id=86827 , it has many factors as to why ‘The Avengers’, ‘Dark Knight Rises’ and ‘The Amazing Spiderman’ will be successful. 

First off it mentions the buzz around the film and how the Batman sequel is a “movie that really changed how moviegoers looked at superhero movies.”
For The Avengers they state that the one of the selling points for the film is the star appeal. “Obviously, one of the biggest selling point for "Avengers" is the return of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark” .From this article its clear that star appeal is one of the biggest selling points as to why superhero films do so well. The article also states that out of the 3, Spiderman is the least favourite and this could be due to no star appeal in the film
Trailer for the upcoming Avengers film

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